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Naked then muddy and dirty is the game

I know many members love to be clothed in some sort of way and in particular types of outfit. That is great for them and helps make the group tick. For me I just love to be naked in the wildest locations and enjoying any dirt around. I want to share this with others. So far I have only gone solo on walks through local woods having left my clothes behind and having a much fun in any way I can. I did share and event with another but they have moved away.

The ideal for me would be to be left with no clothes with some suggestions of what is around to play in and with. With another is could be even more fun. The being left naked would just heighten the feeling of being vulnerable. I am not certain how much there is a passive steak in me that likes to feel vulnerable and I wonder if that can be shared.

In essence being naked is my real love getting covered is a way of reminding myself I am naked and vulnerable. I just want to enjoy any experience I can while naked. Are there any of you out there who have not dissimilar interest in this?


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